Let Us Hold You By The Hand and Coach You How to Start Your N500,000 – N1 Million Per Month Export Business
Dear New Exporter,
You finally decided to start your export business and you are so passionate about your decision!!! You already dream about when you’ll get your first order and deposit your first cheque into your bank account!
But, you don’t have the necessary background skills and experience to start and run this business successfully yet. And you know it.
Plus, you already tried to find some specific information on starting your own export business. You did research on this industry.
You visited different blogs and forums, maybe even attended some export seminars and bought some courses, but you just found a lot of high-level information with very little practical start-up instructions or guides.
All you’ve learned is a bunch of a theoretical fluff unrelated to your unique case.
Let’s be sincere.
The fastest and easiest way to start and scale any business is to get a coach.
If you don’t have the right coach to show you exactly what to do when building your export business, then your failure is pretty much the only thing that is guaranteed.
You NEED a coach, someone who has built his export business empire and ready to introduce you to his high network of exporters and importers around the world, that are ready to do business with you.